Adding Individual Contacts to Echo

Video tutorial

Step-by-step guide

Here’s the simplest way to get started with creating contacts.

From the Echo menu select the Contacts & groups button.

As a first time user this is displayed as an empty page with a Create button to the right. Click on this and you’ll be presented with a simple form to complete.

Quickname will automatically be completed for you, though you can edit this if you choose. This is a simple way to call on the record later.

You’ll need to enter the country code in the phone number so ‘35383123456’ rather than ‘083123456’.

Your chosen quickname and the phone number must be unique.

When completed, clicking the Create button will save the data and then return you to the contacts view.

To send an SMS to this contact, click into Simple Send and then the Contacts button below the ‘To’ field, a pop up will appear where you can select contacts to send to:

Once you have selected the contacts, you simply need to press ‘Add to message’.

You can also search for the Quickname or number in the ‘To’ field to select contacts to add to the SMS.

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