Call to Action (CTA) Buttons on Landing Pages

Call to Action (CTA) buttons are probably the most important part of your Landing Page content – they tell the recipient what you want them to do next.

The Call to Action buttons can be used for four different functions:

  1. To direct people to a web page when clicked;
  2. To initiate a phone call when clicked;
  3. To initiate a text (SMS) when clicked;
  4. To initiate an email when clicked;
  5. To deeplink into Google Maps.

To create a CTA button, click on the Add Blocks tab, and select the CTA block as highlighted below.

Layout Add Block

Then click on the block to open the Item Properties tab. Here you can change the Display Text, and decide what action you want to take place when someone clicks on the button.

Customise CTA

There’s a ? icon here to remind you what functionality is available.

Start your link with:

  • http:// or  https:// to link to a website
  • tel: to initiate a phone call (i.e. tel:+353759895129 – formatting the number with the +353 and removing the first zero ensures it can be called from any country)
  • sms: to initiate a text message (i.e. sms:+353870154769 – again, make sure you include the country code)
  • mailto: to initiate an email (i.e.

You can also change the text colour, background colour and border colour here – if your brand colours are not showing, switch to the Style tab to customise the colour palette.

You can also change the text size and weight (light, medium and bold) before clicking back to Add Blocks to keep customising your message, or Next to save and move on to the next stage.

As an example, here’s what your customers will experience if you use the tel: function:

CTA Call

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